My name is Tyler Schindewolf. I am currently a student at Ohio University and I created this blog for my English 151 course. I will be bloggging throughout the duration of the course in order to fine-tune my writing skills and stimulate thought, as well. The course is centered around an apocalyptic theme, so many of my posts will be related to the idea of the end of the world. I really enjoy reading and writing. I plan to leave Ohio University with a Journalism degree from the prestigious Scripps College of Comunication. I really enjoy reading about anything informational. If the material can teach me something that I did not already know, I am interested. regardless. As much as I love reading, I love writing that much more. Writing is my way to spread my ideas to the masses (especially through this blog!). Reading, however, is the one of the best ways to better your writing ability because you are constantly exposed to new words and different ways to organize them, grammatically, on a page. The most common things I read on a daily basis are newspapers, magazines, or online magazine articles. Sadly, most of my writing takes place on a computer keyboard, usually on Facebook. In correlation with my last sentence, the technology I am most exposed to would have to be computers. It is outrageous how much time the average college student needs to spend on a computer each day for schoolwork, social networking, etc (cell phones are a close second to computers in my eyes).
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